
Annual general meeting

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Date and Location:

The 2024 Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) of the Company will be held at

Sir Ian Wood House,
Hareness Road,
Altens Industrial Estate,
Aberdeen, AB12 3LE,
United Kingdom

on Thursday, 9 May 2024 at 11.00 am.


The following documents have been posted on 8 April 2024 to those shareholders who had requested hard copies:

Please refer to the important information in the Notice of Meeting in relation to participation in the AGM this year.

AGM Arrangements

Shareholders are welcome to attend the AGM in person. Should it be no longer possible for shareholders to attend the meeting in person, due to unforeseen circumstances or if changes are required to be made to the AGM arrangements, we will notify shareholders as early as possible before the date of the meeting through a public announcement made via a Regulatory Information Service. Any updates to the position will also be included on this website page.

The AGM is a private meeting for registered shareholders, proxies, duly authorised representatives, and the Company’s auditors. Non-shareholders, including spouses, partners and nominated persons, are not entitled to admission. A shareholder attending the AGM with impaired mobility or other assistance needs may be accompanied by a non-shareholder companion.

Please arrive in good time to allow for registration and to view a building safety presentation of approximately five minutes duration.


Shareholders are strongly encouraged to submit a completed proxy form as soon as possible to ensure their vote is counted.

To be effective, any proxy appointment and/or voting instructions must be received by Equiniti Limited not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting, i.e. by 11.00am on Tuesday, 7 May 2024.

Shareholders are recommended to submit their proxy appointment and/or voting instructions electronically, rather than by post.

Voting online

Shareholders may appoint a proxy and/or register a voting preference online, by going to Equiniti’s Shareview website,, and logging in to their Shareview Portfolio. Once logged in, shareholders should click ‘View’ on the ‘My Investments’ page and then click on the link to vote and follow the on-screen instructions.

If shareholders have not registered for a Shareview Portfolio, they should go to and enter the requested information. It is important that shareholders register for a Shareview Portfolio with enough time to complete the registration and authentication processes.

Voting by Post

Shareholders who wish to appoint a proxy or vote by post should complete the proxy form and post to Equiniti Limited, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, BN99 6DA.

To be effective, the proxy appointment and any voting instructions must be received by the Company’s Registrars, Equiniti Limited, not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting, i.e. by 11.00am on Tuesday, 7 May 2024.

The voting results from the AGM will be announced through a Regulatory Information Service and made available on this page as soon as practicable following the AGM.

Shareholder Questions

Shareholders may submit questions in advance of the AGM via this button.

Submit your questions

Questions should be relevant to the business of the meeting and the relevant resolution number should be clearly stated. A summary of questions received, and their respective answers, will be published on this page following the meeting.