How US energy policy is preventing LNG progress
Wood provides advanced thermal treatment technology for managing hazardous and toxic waste. Our advanced thermal treatment technology provides practical and cost-effective solutions for destruction and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes.
Our designs adhere to the most stringent environmental emission regulations and our robust technology helps to safely destroy multiple forms of hazardous- and toxic-waste streams.
Our technology is based on our proven proprietary rotary kiln incinerators and secondary combustion chambers (SCC), which we design and supply. These thermal-treatment systems can accommodate a wide range of feed conditions and waste types: soils and sediments, bulk solids, energetic and aqueous liquids, sludges, gases, containerised/packaged wastes, and medical and bio-waste.
Our project experience includes feasibility studies, front-end engineering and design (FEED) packages, grass-roots facilities, startup assistance, operator training, extensive retrofits, and system upgrades. We have completed more than 25 major incineration projects, including full engineering design and equipment supply for 12 operational commercial facilities in North America. Three of the operating facilities process and destroy polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins under the strict regulations of the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA).
This mature incineration technology has been used in more than 100 facilities worldwide over the last five decades, having been continuously improved and updated to meet more demanding performance and reliability requirements.
Waste receiving, storage and feed systems, gas-cleaning systems, and residuals handling can all be included in the scope of our design, and our thermal treatment solution can achieve near-complete carbon burnout of the feed, as well 99.99% destruction of the hazardous organic constituents. Our designs provide maximum online operating time with minimum maintenance and shutdown issues.