Gaining insights from your messy data
Traditionally, operators are tasked with walking around the asset or facility, taking sample data and looking for methane leaks.
Our technology is able to capture leaks that have routinely been missed in previous methods of data collection.
Iris Edge is able to take a 3D scan of the entire facility creating a digital twin of the asset to locate any leaks. The software can record years’ worth of data and use predictive technology to flag potential issues, allowing predictive maintenance.
During this test pilot, we utilized two robots, equipped with a range of sensors including H2S detectors, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) vibration and temperature sensors.
Once the robot has assessed the environment and been trained on its mission, it can run the mission fully autonomously. Onshore staff may initiate autonomous robot missions to collect the data and to create the 3D models while fully remote from the offshore facility.
Wood successfully deployed both robots, running information gathering sessions with the robot for a few weeks prior collecting the data which enabled the robot to produce 3D models. There was a command centre set up within the client’s offices where the robots autonomous movements could be watched remotely by the maintenance team, this remote office could be anywhere in the world.
We can reduce potential tax implications by giving you eyes on your facility or asset. Using either our robots, drone or handheld hardware we are able to survey the facility or asset and record the exact number of methane leaks rather than an estimate.
This gives our clients the ability to present this data to the regulatory authorities, reducing their tax implications. By routinely surveying their asset, maintaining and repairing leaks as well as utilising predictive maintenance, costs could be reduced to zero.
For some of our clients with multiple assets or facilities, or particularly large facilities, the tax implications of the IRA could be in the millions so being able to reduce this to zero is revolutionary.
The operator could visualize their asset remotely and could bring precise information to their maintenance team who were able to repair it overnight.
The pilot study provided additional information on which hardware performed the best in different situations. As our software is so user-intuitive, you do not need to be qualified or trained to use it, requiring fewer resources. It also requires less time for the operator, so they can focus efforts on priority work. For offshore assets, this also decreases persons on board associated costs.
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